Few Home Remedies on How to Reduce Puffy Face

How to reduce puffy face? It is easy to become frustrated with your facial puffiness, especially when it lasts all day.

how to reduce puffy face

Puffy faces can be caused by fluid retention. However, the underlying causes can vary and require a visit to your doctor for an accurate diagnosis and treatment. In the meantime, you should focus on relieving this symptom to avoid risking more serious consequences.



The morning puffiness around your eyes might be caused by an underlying health issue, or your diet.

Diet, Sleep, and Makeup

Facial puffiness can happen for a number of reasons, and this article will explore more on how people’s routines might trigger the condition.


For many people, waking up with a puffy face can be the result of normal fluid retention during sleep — but if this is more pronounced people may not get enough or too much sleep.

Lying down may cause fluid to shift and collect in the face, which could make you look tired or bloated from sleep. If you’re sleeping on your stomach, for instance, this effect may be even more pronounced.

As the person starts their morning in an upright position, these fluids may go away.


clear makeup before bed

Falling asleep with makeup on can cause contact dermatitis, which can result in redness and puffiness.

Most cases are harmless and don’t require medical attention. But if you have symptoms like swelling around the eyes, or difficulty opening them, then contact a doctor right away.


eat more foods to reduce puffy face

Eating certain foods late at night can lead to water retention in the morning. This is because eating high-sodium foods puts stress on the kidneys, which retain more sodium and excess liquid in order to balance sodium levels.

High-salt foods usually surprise people with a sudden thirst. To quench this, they drink more water than usual – but their bodies do not release additional groundwater that is collected in the face or pyramids of the eyes.

Some high-sodium foods that you should avoid include:

  • fast foods such as hamburgers, fries and pizzas have been quick and convenient options for a long time.
  • processed meats such as bacon and pepperoni
  • sushi, with soy sauce
  • chips, nachos, and pretzels


After a night of drinking some people will wake up with puffy faces.

Alcohol can cause dehydration, which is why you may notice that you urinate more – your body is trying to keep up with what it’s losing. It may also cause your body to retain water which can lead to puffiness in the face.

Physical Causes and Health Conditions

Certain illnesses and phases of the menstrual cycle may cause fluid retention in the face.

A period

Menstruation commonly causes fluid retention, and before a period, a person may notice puffiness in the face upon waking. A person may recognize menstruation as the cause of the fluid retention if they have premenstrual syndrome (PMS) as well.


Sometimes, people wake up in the morning with an allergy symptom that they didn’t notice or feel during the night. This is because sometimes allergies to different things like dust or pollen are not noticeable unless you do something like go for a run.

If you’re having a difficult time figuring out the cause of your puffy eyes, it may be due to allergies. You might have symptoms like congestion, a runny nose, and watery or itchy eyes.


Treatments on How to Reduce Swelling in Face

How to reduce puffy face? Various home-care methods and medical treatments can help deal with facial puffiness. In rare cases, home care won’t be enough, in which case you’ll need to consult a doctor.

Home care

When morning comes around, you might do the following:

Cold water

Splashing the face with cold water or using a towel to make a cold compress may quickly reduce puffiness.

Coffee or tea

use coffee or tea bag

Applying cold coffee grounds or a cooled wet tea bag to the areas of puffiness may help constrict blood vessels in the skin and reduce the puffiness. Always test the temperature before doing this to ensure comfortability.

Jade rollers

jade roller to reduce puffy face

A Jade Roller is carefully crafted to help with circulation, lymphatic fluid drainage and heat dosages. It probably won’t provide you with a glow-less transformation but it will be more satisfying than a good old fashioned face scratch.

People who have used jade rollers have found that it does more than just ease muscle pains. They also report that it reduces the puffy appearance of under-eye bags and dark circles.

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A good way to raise your heart rate is needed to promote circulation and that includes giving your face a boost.

Some people find that a morning jog or bike ride helps them feel less bloated and more awake. It may reduce puffiness as well.

Creams, masks, and other products

Plenty of products are built to help you prevent puffiness.

It’s important to keep in mind that the skin on the face is sensitive. Make sure you avoid any known allergens & test any product before trying it more broadly.

When you wake up in the morning, you may notice that your face is puffy. Don’t panic though! The puffiness should disappear during the day as hives and swelling go away.


How to reduce puffy face? One of the best ways to prevent puffy eyes is by making changes to your diet and lifestyle. There are also a few methods that work great at home.

Persistent or troubling puffy eyes may be a sign of infection. Consult a doctor for appropriate treatment.

Read also: Best foods for skin repair, How to get rid of moles on face



How to Reduce Swelling in Face. (2022). Retrieved from https://www.healthline.com/health/how-to-reduce-swelling-in-face

Puffy face in the morning: Causes, treatments, and prevention. (2022). Retrieved from https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/puffy-face-in-the-morning