How to Get Rid of Moles on Face Safely

Moles are very common, and most people have 10 to 40 moles on their skin. The American Academy of Dermatology reports that most people have 10 to 40 moles on their skin. So, how to get rid of moles on face?

Most moles are harmless, so nothing to worry about. This is generally speaking. If the mole is cancerous, then you should get it removed as soon as possible. But there are also instances where you might choose to remove a mole, if it doesn’t look good on your skin or is irritating when it rubs against your clothes.

How do I know if a mole is cancerous?

If you think you might have a mole or spot that’s changing, see your dermatologist. They’ll measure the chance of it being cancerous and let you know if they recommend more frequent checks.

Meanwhile, you should schedule a checkup with your dermatologist if you notice any moles that:

These are known as the ABCDEs of mole checks.

If you notice changes in the moles on your skin, you should consult a dermatologist. They’ll be able to make an educated assessment if any of these areas are concerning and may require testing.

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Are there effective ways to remove moles at home?

There’s no shortage of websites that offer “home remedies” for removing moles. But these treatments aren’t always effective and could even be dangerous. Before you start exploring home remedies for mole removal, make sure to talk with your doctor and see what they recommend. You can always trust their advice and expertise.

There are many unproven methods for moles removal:

Other home remedies for mole removal include applying:

Pharmacies and online stores also sell mole removal creams. Their active ingredient is designed to penetrate your skin and kill the melanocytes from the inside out. To use these creams, you should first gently scrape off the top part of the mole. Then apply some cream to its surface on a daily basis. The cream claims that it will form a scab within a day and upon falling off, the mole will also be gone.

While it’s tempting to remove a mole on your own, you shouldn’t. Mole removal should be left to the professionals, who are able to examine it for cancer in a lab.

How to Remove Moles on Face Safely?

how to get rid of moles on face

A dermatologist can usually remove a mole during a routine office visit. Sometimes, the removal process may require some follow-ups as well.

There are two main types of mole removal – Excision and Shave Excisions:


This procedure is done with a small amount of liquid nitrogen to remove noncancerous moles.


Using a current of electricity, this procedure burns off the top layers of your skin, making it disappear. This process could take more than one session to be completed.


This procedure involves the use of a surgical blade to shave off the mole from the skin’s surface.


This procedure goes deeper than shaving to get rid of the mole entirely and then sutures it back together. This type of removal is typically used if the mole is cancerous.

If necessary, your dermatologist can evaluate the mole that’s been removed by your physician for skin cancer.

Safer alternatives

get rid of moles on face by makeup
A tip for covering up moles is to use makeup. If you feel like a hair is growing out of the mole, it’s typically safe to trim the hair with scissors or tweezers.


A mole persisting in the same spot with no change is benign. However, if you want to get rid of it, see a dermatologist to remove it safely and properly or you may refer the points above on how to get rid of moles on face.

If you see any changes to a mole, such as a change in colour, size or shape, or if it scabs over. This could be caused by skin cancer and might have the potential to spread if not checked out and treated at an early stage.

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